VIDEOS Category

Erasmus+ Video Journeys 2023

Our Maltese students of Maritime Transport and Deep Sea Fishing

Our Maltese students of Maritime Transport and Deep Sea Fishing Jesus Serrano Garcia and Fª Javier Belmonte in Caparrós have made an incredible mobility in Malta. In his video you can see.






Our Irish students Microinformatics Systems and Networks


Erasmus + Experience Video 2019 Dublin -Natalia Rodriguez


Nuestros alumnos portugueses de Operaciones Subacuáticas e Hiperbáricas recien titulados

Our recently graduated students Alvaro Azofra Valverde and Yulen Mateos Lambertos from Underwater and Hyperbaric Operations want to share with us their wonderful Erasmus experience + FP at Ardentia Marine in Portugal, company with which they are tremendously grateful.

Alvaro: “Let no one tell you that you can't do it, if you want, you can get it”

Yulen: “This is the beginning of the challenges that we still have to meet”

Cheer up, do not miss it if you have the opportunity, you will never regret!



Oportunidades Erasmus para Formación Profesional

What opportunities can we find with Erasmus+ in Vocational Training?

In this video you will see it…

Oportunidades Erasmus para estudiantes

Oportunidades Erasmus para estudiantes.

Día de Europa ¿Qué Europa imaginas? Europe Direct Murcia


¿Qué Europa imaginas?

Mesa redonda en el Día de Europa con estudiantes de 1º de Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes y la Coordinadora de Erasmus del CIFP Hespérides.

Promovida por la UPCT y Europe Direct Murcia.