Our Maltese students of Maritime Transport and Deep Sea Fishing

Our Maltese students of Maritime Transport and Deep Sea Fishing Jesus Serrano Garcia and Fª Javier Belmonte in Caparrós have made an incredible mobility in Malta. In his video you can see.






Our Irish students Microinformatics Systems and Networks


Erasmus + Experience Video 2019 Dublin -Natalia Rodriguez


Nuestros alumnos portugueses de Operaciones Subacuáticas e Hiperbáricas recien titulados

Our recently graduated students Alvaro Azofra Valverde and Yulen Mateos Lambertos from Underwater and Hyperbaric Operations want to share with us their wonderful Erasmus experience + FP at Ardentia Marine in Portugal, company with which they are tremendously grateful.

Alvaro: “Let no one tell you that you can't do it, if you want, you can get it”

Yulen: “This is the beginning of the challenges that we still have to meet”

Cheer up, do not miss it if you have the opportunity, you will never regret!



Our hairdressing teacher Encarni García in Northern Ireland (Lisburn y Belfast)

Professor Encarni García visits in Lisburn (North Ireland) REGIBB International company and two of its students Ainhoa ​​and Antonio, of the CFGM of the title "Technician in Hairdressing and Hair Cosmetics", who are carrying out a mobility of 60 Erasmus + days, to take the Fct module. Both Rosemary and Mark, company representatives, how the students are very satisfied; I have been at different times in the company and I have been able to verify the positive integration and complicity of our students in it with their colleagues, superiors and some very regular customers to the salon ...

Nuestros profes Malteses Alberto Díaz y Julia Martínez

Our mobility has allowed us to know a country very similar to ours with respect to its gastronomy, traditions, climatology, culture, etc. but with a hodgepodge of Italian undertones, Africans and Arabs when they are in the Mediterranean.

This is how Malta seemed to us, with thousands of recreational boats in its ports, with its old and modern urban contrasts, multifaceted in its landscapes, lovely to walk around, crowded with tourists and students of multiple nationalities with the aim of practicing English.

Further, to give us the opportunity to learn about the working methods that are carried out in Maltese companies, training ourselves during the entire mobility period, at the same time that it allowed us to expand our network of contacts..

Our Maltese students of the Certificate of Professionalism in Hairdressing and Art Direction

Carrying out Erasmus + in Malta allowed us to live new experiences and become more autonomous.

Students Jenniffer Hidrovo Medrana and Mª Luisa Castillo Olmo from the Level III Hairdressing and Artistic Direction Certificate of Professionalism.


Nuestro informático irlandés

For me, the Erasmus + experience has been a personal and professional challenge.

I have learned to fend for myself and to overcome the obstacles that arise in life.

That is why I encourage you to participate in the program.

Never give up!

Raúl Davo Blanco- Microcomputer Systems and Networks

Nuestro noruego Buceador Profesional

“Como buzo, tener la oportunidad de probar un equipo Siebe Gorman ha sido una de las experiencias mas increíbles y únicas de mi vida, gracias a mis prácticas Erasmus en Bergen”

Ruben Zaplana

Rubén Zaplana Martínez

Alumno CF GM Operaciones Subacuáticas e Hiperbáricas del CIFP Hespérides de Cartagena

Jornada de difusión Eramus curso 2016/17- Experiencias alumnos

Students and teachers 2

El pasado 22 de Noviembre tuvo lugar la Jornada de Difusión Erasmus 2016/17, en turno de mañana y de tarde en el Salón de Actos nuestro Centro.

Tuvimos el placer de contar con la presencia de ex-alumnos del Centro que realizaron movilidades el curso pasado. Israel Baños y Juanfra Garcia del Ciclo formativo de Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes, nos deleitaron con su maravillosa experiencia en Dublin (Irlanda) y en Paris (Francia), respectivamente.

Belén Haro del ciclo formativo de Peluquería y Cosmética Capilar nos entusiasmó con su apasionante experiencia en Belfast (Irlanda Del Norte) y Nacho López nos sorprendió con su asombrosa aventura a abordo del Alexander Von Humboldt II (Alemania).

Further, tuvimos el placer de visionar un video de Rubén Zaplana comentándonos desde Ber...

Our Erasmus students in “The Truth of Cartagena”


Fabulous story of Antonio López, redactor de” The Truth of Cartagena”, some of our students on Erasmus, de Navegación, Pesca y Transporte marítimo y de Eficiencia Energética y Energía Solar Térmica en sus empresas de prácticas en Bergen y Karlsruhe. ¡No te lo pierdas!

El texto completo está disponible en nuestra página web.